By now you probably know I have a thing for smoky flavours. I also have a thing for sexy women. This is a different kind of thing. I was smoking some salmon and reef cod this afternoon and thought I'd add a few cloves of garlic to the smoker. Then I remembered I had these cooked black beans, so tonight I cooked these in a little olive oil along with a cup of black bean broth, two chopped smoked garlic cloves and some crushed roasted chillies. Once the broth had evaporated, I turned off the heat and let the beans rest until I needed them. I make a batch of Cajun spice mix every few months and rubbed some on this fat fillet of yellowfin tuna before searing it in a very hot pan - smoking hot, to keep the smoky theme going.
Review: The Five Rules Of Friendship
21 hours ago
unfortunately the Tuna is bad news being full of Mercury!