What is it about chipotle chillies? We tend to measure chillies by degree of heat. Scoville units were invented specifically for this task. But there is no science to adequately describe the flavour of chipotle chillies. Yes, there is heat. But this can vary from chilli to chilli. There is also the strong smokiness from the mesquite wood over which they were smoked. And there is a fruitiness that is hard to define. Depending on the variety of chilli smoked, they can be a glossy deep red, like an impenetrable wine. Or they can be a matte leather brown. I think I have described crema in a previous post. A mixture of double cream and buttermilk or plain yoghurt is left somewhere warm until it sours. It is not as strong as sour cream. The green under the fish is kale - bought at the local markets from the Clarke family in Crystal Creek - who happen to also sell brilliantly rich deep orange-yolked eggs.

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