An enlightening chat with my good mate Stan last night. Stan just about convinced me to create another Facebook-centric food site that would be a basic cooking course for everyone who wants to impress in the kitchen without aspiring to a Michelin rating. One of the things we talked about was how some people do not achieve results like a restaurant does with fish because most of us are afraid to use the intensity of heat that would be used in a commercial kitchen. This is a good example of how a home cook and a chef differ. At home, most of us use a heat setting too low. The result is that the fish stews in its own liquid. In this case I did two things that few people do at home. I set the oven to 200C. I heated a little ghee in a pan over the wok burner (set at about 3/4 heat). I let the ghee get hot enough that wisps of smoke just started to rise. I then put in the salmon, skinned side down. I gave it 60 seconds over the wok burner, then put the pan into the oven. I then cooked the amaranth leaves in peanut oil, light soy sauce and garlic in a wok over high heat, tossing constantly until wilted. I turned the wok burner off and took the salmon out of the oven - it had been in there four minutes tops. Some amaranth went on the plate first, salmon (flipped over so the crisp side was uppermost), garlic jam and a little salmon roe. That is it. Dead easy.

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