There must be a more creative name for this dish. And I might think of one. Eventually. Until then, this will have to do. A forequarter of young goat was braised very, very slowly with finely diced onion, garlic, tomatoes, allspice, smoked paprika, bay leaves and lamb stock. If you are yet to experience moghrabieh, think of them as salmon-roe sized pasta balls - because that is what they are. Very large couscous. After boiling and draining, I added fine slices of preserved lemon and olive oil. Okra is an interesting vegetable. Overcooked, it goes slimy and not very pleasant. There are four ways to stop this happening. The obvious one is to avoid overcooking it. The second is to fry it. The third is to use it in a stew (where the viscous slime acts as a binding/thickening agent). The fourth is to skip okra all together and eat frozen peas. But that is a cop-out. The goat was extraordinarily tender and rich. Like a romantic heiress.

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