Sunday, November 28, 2010


Do radishes get a bad rap? I think so. They seem to be one of those forgotten vegetables, like turnips and Swedes. You see them often, but you just do not think about buying them. And then when you do buy some, there is a good chance they will sit in the vegetable crisper where they go soft (perverse, huh?). I have to confess I had neglected them until we lived in Mexico. There they seem to turn up often as a condiment to all sorts of classic dishes. So, here they are in a simple salsa of san marzano tomatoes from the garden, jalapenos and Sharwill avocados  from the markets. If you have never tasted cochinita pibil, do yourself a favour. There are recipes online - or look in a classic Mexican cookbook, like one of those by Diana Kennedy.

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