There are a couple of English lads at the weekly markets. They make the best pork pies I've tasted in Australia. They make Cornish pasties that actually manage to make Cornish pasties feel like proper food - not an excuse to use chopped up leftovers. They make Eccles cakes. And they make proper old fashioned English pork sausages. I built this multi-cultural dish around the pork sausages - appropriate, given English history of colonisation. Caramelised onions (which the Italians do so well), a salad of chickpeas (which might have originated in Egypt, but also in Turkey, near the border with Syria) and tomatoes (Mexico) and a tomatillo (Mexico) salsa which includes coriander (which could also have originated in Egypt). Might sound like all these nations would fight it out on the plate, but it seems to work. Even if it didn't, it's occasionally good to served English pork sausages with something other than peas and mash.

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