I like smoke. Not fire, just smoke. I like smoked things. Smoked duck breast, smoked salmon, smoked chillies, smoked paprika. I like avocado. But not smoked. I like black beans. Both types, the Mexican ones and the fermented soy bean ones. I like tomatoes when they taste like proper tomatoes. And chicken when it has chicken flavour. I'd forfotten what chickens taste like until we went to live in Mexico. My first taste of a free-range chicken that's included kernels of corn and marigold flowers in its diet unlocked memories of a taste I recall from my childhood. I guess back then Australia poulterers raised chickens the way they still do in Mexico. I've had one chicken in Australia that tastes like the Mexican chickens - from Carlo Colaiacomo's farm near Mudgee (and sold in his fabulous AC Butchery in Sydney's Leichhardt). I've put some of my favourite things together in a very simple dish for a simple midweek meal for a simple family.

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