OMG, what an assault on the taste buds! How come the best Thai chef is Australian? Never mind. David Thompson is a genius. OK, the original recipe would have been boar, but this Bangalow pork loin sure is more civilised. Cannot believe the intensity of flavour from a relatively modest number of ingredients. Lots of tiny dried prawns and quite potent dried chillies in the paste. More big slabs of fresh chilli, squeaky beans, soft pork and crunchy pea eggplants (not in the original recipe). Plus L-A-R-D. A lot of people recoil in fear at its mere mention. I love it. Lard does things to food that other fats can only dream of. If fats dream. Maybe they do. I must dig out my old Introduction to Applied Psychology textbook to see if Freud or Jung or David Hume covered the dreams of shortening. If you do not possess this cookbook, do so immediately. You have to love a cookbook that runs to 150 pages before the first recipe - and then gives you, oh I am guessing, maybe 1,000! AND it is covered in hot pink Thai silk. Pure decadence.

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